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Cancel My Wine Club

How to Cancel your Wine Club

If you find the Wine Club is not right for you, we can certainly cancel your Wine Club membership.

After two shipments you may cancel your membership without penalty by written email notice to wineclub@wooingtree.co.nz at any time up to two weeks prior to a shipment.

Members who send a cancellation request less than two weeks prior to a shipment will still be charged for and sent that shipment, and the cancellation will be implemented afterwards.

If you cancel your membership before receiving two half-yearly wine club shipments, that is viewed as an early termination. Early terminations are subject to a fee of $150.

You can downgrade your membership to a minimum of six bottles half yearly by email notice any time up to two weeks before a shipment. Email: wineclub@wooingtree.co.nz.

Click here for terms & conditions

Any further questions or to cancel please email wineclub@wooingtree.co.nz
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